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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_Descend Lib "Apollo9.dll" ()

(ByVal cpKeyString As String)

As String

C Declaration

LONG FAR PASCAL sx_Descend(BYTEP cpKeyString);


Converts a key string into a 2s complement representation for use in seeking on an index built with the DESCEND xBase function.


cpKeyString: The search string you wish to convert into its descending form.

Return Value

The passed search key is returned as a string in 2s complement form. If an index has been built using the DESCEND xBase function, a key for use with sx_Seek must be converted before the search takes place.

VB Example

' index is in descending sequence so we will

' invert when seeking


RecStr$ = InputBox$("Seek Key?", "Seek", "")

If RecStr$ = "" Then Exit Sub

RecStr$ = UCase$(RecStr$)


If sx_Seek(sx_Descend(RecStr$)) Then



MsgBox "Key not found"

End If

C Example

// seek descending index key

void CNamesForm::OnKeypressSdebrowse1(UINT, int, CWnd*, LPVOID lpParams)


BYTE caSearchKey[2];

SHORT iNewKey = 0;

SHORT iKeyAscii = AFX_NUM_EVENTPARAM(short, lpParams);


// quick search on first char if normal character

if (iKeyAscii > 31 && iKeyAscii < 127)


// set up the search string and convert to

// uppercase because our index expression

// is "descend(upper(name))"

caSearchKey[0] = (UBYTE) iKeyAscii;

caSearchKey[1] = '\0';

AnsiUpper((LPSTR) caSearchKey);


// invert key and seek for the first name that begins with

// the entered character


(LPSTR) sx_Descend(caSearchKey));


// BEEP if not found

if (!m_sdebrowse->GetNumProperty("Action"))







See Also

sx_Seek, sx_SetSoftSeek