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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_ErrorLevel Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal iErrorLevel As Integer)

As Integer

C Declaration

SHORT FAR PASCAL sx_ErrorLevel (SHORT iErrorLevel);


Set which errors will be reported with message boxes. Two types of errors exist: Warnings and Fatal Errors. Warnings are errors that can be recovered from in code. An 1800 File Open Error is an example of a Warning. Fatal errors are unrecoverable. A 5000 Order Key Skip Error is an example of a Fatal Error.


iErrorLevel: Any one of the following constant values:


ERRLEVEL_NONE  0 No error message at all.

ERRLEVEL_FATAL  1 Only report Fatal errors (Default).

ERRLEVEL_STANDARD 2 Report all errors.

Return Value

The iErrorlevel before the call to sx_ErrorLevel.

VB Example

' Implement our own error handling

Function OpenDbf( cFileName$, cAlias$ ) As Integer

Dim iOldErrLevel%

Dim iArea%, iRet%


iOldErrLevel = sx_ErrorLevel( ERRLEVEL_FATAL );


' Will not issue an error message on failure, but an error is still  

' reported through the return value.


iArea = sx_Use( cFilename, cAlias, EXCLUSIVE, SDENSX )

if iArea < 1 then

' Handle the error my way

MsgBox "Table not found"  

' Reset the error level

iRet = sx_ErrorLevel( iOldErrLevel )

end if

OpenDbf = iArea

End Function

C Example

//Implement our own error handling

int OpenDbf(BYTEP cpFilename, BYTEP cpAlias)


SHORT iOldErrLevel;

int iArea;

iOldErrLevel = sx_ErrorLevel(ERRLEVEL_FATAL);


// Will not issue an error message on failure, but an error is still  

// reported through the return value.

iArea = sx_Use(cpFilename, cpAlias, EXCLUSIVE, SDENSX);

if (!iArea)


//Handle the error my way



//Reset the error level


return iArea;
