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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_FilterAlias Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal cpAliasName As String,

ByVal cpFieldName As String)

As Integer

C Declaration

BOOL FAR PASCAL sx_FilterAlias

(BYTEP cpAliasName,

BYTEP cpFieldName);


Assigns an alias name to a field name in the table to be used in an upcoming sx_FilterDlg call. If an alias list is created with this function, only those fields defined with an alias will be shown in the sx_FilterDlg Fields List Box, and the Fields List Box will refer to a field by its alias name first.


sx_FilterDlg creates a filter builder dialog box that allows your users to construct filter expressions that apply to the current table. The use of alias field names allows the applications programmer to redefine cryptic table field names with a moniker that the casual user might understand.


To create a list of alias/field names, call this function repeatedly for each field you wish to display in the sx_FilterDlg Fields List Box.


cpAliasName: The alternate field name. Maximum length is 15 characters.

cpFieldName: The actual field name.

Return Value

True if the field was found. False if an error was encountered.

Note: The list of alias names is automatically destroyed after calling sx_FilterDlg.

VB Example

' User filter setting

Sub bFilter_Click ()

Dim lRecNum As Long

Dim cString As String

Dim iRet As Integer

If Not FilterOn Then

' set up alias names

iRet = sx_FilterAlias("LastName", "last")

iRet = sx_FilterAlias("FirstName", "first")

iRet = sx_FilterAlias("Address", "a1")

iRet = sx_FilterAlias("City", "a2")

iRet = sx_FilterAlias("State", "a3")


' allow User to set the query by passing

' iIsIndexList as TRUE

cString = sx_FilterDlg(sxtest.hWnd, 0&, "My App Name", TRUE)

If Len(cString) > 0 Then

FilterOn = True

End If


If FilterOn Then

bFilter.Caption = "&Reset"

End If


' clear query

FilterOn = False

bFilter.Caption = "&Filter"

lRecNum = sx_Query(0&)

End If

End Sub

C Example

void CNamesForm::OnButtonFilter()


sx_FilterAlias("LastName", "last");

sx_FilterAlias("FirstName", "first");

sx_FilterAlias("Address", "a1");

sx_FilterAlias("City", "a2");

sx_FilterAlias("State", "a3");


sx_FilterDlg(GetParent(), NULL, NULL, FALSE));


// test if user set filter

if (lstrlen(sx_DBFilter()))

bFilterOn = TRUE;




See Also

sx_FilterDlg, sx_Query