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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_PutBlob Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal cpFieldName As String

vpVar As Any,

ByVal lSize As Long)

As Long

C Declaration


(BYTEP cpFieldName,

VOIDP vpVar,

LONG lSize);


Stores a BLOB in a memo field. A BLOB is a binary large object. The maximum size of a BLOB is 16 megabytes. Elements that contain fixed length strings may be stored and retrieved. If the BLOB resides completely in a file, use sx_Replace to store it in the memo.


cpFieldName: The name of the memo field that holds the BLOB.

vpVar: A pointer to a memory object.

lSize: The size of the BLOB.

Return Value

The number of bytes written. If this differs from the size passed in lSize, an error has occurred.

VB Example

' save and retrieve an array of integers to and from a BLOB


Static intArray(20) As Integer

Dim i As Integer

Dim lSize As Long

Dim lBytes As Long

Dim DynArray() As Integer


' set up blob example

For i = 1 To 20

intArray(i - 1) = i + 99

Next i


' write array to disk

lSize = UBound(intArray) - LBound(intArray) + 1

lSize = lSize * Len(intArray(LBound(intArray)))

lBytes = sx_PutBlob("notes", intArray(LBound(intArray)), lSize)

If lBytes <> lSize Then

MsgBox "Blob write error"

Exit Sub

End If



' retrieve array from same record

lSize = sx_GetBlobLength("notes")

ReDim DynArray(lSize / 2)

lBytes = sx_GetBlob("notes", DynArray(LBound(DynArray)))


If lBytes <> lSize Then

MsgBox "Blob read error"

Exit Sub


For i = 1 To 20

Debug.Print DynArray(i - 1)

Next i

End If

C Example

// write an array of long integers

lSize = sx_PutBlob("blobfield", longArray, (LONG)sizeof(longArray));

See Also

sx_GetBlob, sx_GetBlobLength, sx_Replace