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Declare Function sx_Select Lib "Apollo9.dll"
(ByVal uiBaseArea As Integer)
As Integer
Selects an existing work area and make it the current work area.
uiBaseArea: The work area number returned when the file was opened.
The previous select area is returned. If there was no previous area active, zero is returned.
' Toggle between two different work areas
Sub ButtonSelect_Click ()
If sx_WorkArea(0&) = LogArea Then
sx_SetFilter 0&
Label1.Caption = "Product Area="
ButtonSelect.Caption = "Log"
iRet = sx_Select(ProdArea)
BoxSelect.Text = Format$(ProdArea, "00")
BoxCount.Text = Format$(sx_RecCount(), "#####0")
BoxCust.Text = sx_GetString("part_num")
BoxName.Text = sx_GetString("product")
BoxRecno.Text = Format$(sx_RecNo(), "###0")
' current work area is not log file
Label1.Caption = "sxlog Area="
ButtonSelect.Caption = "Product"
iRet = sx_Select(LogArea)
BoxSelect.Text = Format$(LogArea, "00")
BoxCount.Text = Format$(sx_RecCount(), "#####0")
Call sx_GetRecord(lRec)
BoxCust.Text = lRec.lCust
BoxName.Text = lRec.lName
BoxRecno.Text = Format$(sx_RecNo(), "###0")
End If
' display file statistics
BoxCA.Text = sx_WorkArea(0&)
BoxFN.Text = sx_BaseName()
BoxAN.Text = sx_Alias(0)
BoxLU.Text = sx_BaseDate()
BoxRS.Text = sx_RecSize()
End Sub