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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_SetHandles Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal iNumHandles As Integer)

As Integer


Change the number of open file handles in the current Windows task. 255 max.


iNumHandles: The new number of file handles allowed for the current Windows task. The maximum number is 255.

Return Value

The total number of handles available. This number should always be 255 (it is sent by the low level Windows API function when the handles are set). If it is not 255, an error has occurred.

VB Example

Sub Form_Load ()

' main form initialization routines


sx_SetDateFormat ANSI

sx_SetCentury True

sx_SetDeleted True

iRetVal = sx_SetHandles(30)

If Dir$("c:\Apollo7\Data\sxcust.dbf") = "" Then

MsgBox "Test file missing. Aborting!"


End If

End Sub

See Also

sx_Use, sx_IndexOpen