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VB Declaration

Declare Sub sx_SetMemoBlockSize Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal uiBlockSize As Integer)


Note: This function does not apply to CA-Clipper .DBT memo files, which use fixed 512 byte blocks.


The default .FPT memo block size is 32 bytes. The default .SMT memo block size is 1. This function sets a new default block size that will be used when creating any new table that has memos and will also change the block size in memo files when the DBF is packed. It does not affect existing memo files except when the corresponding DBF is packed.


uiBlockSize: The new default block size. The size must be a value from 1 through 1024.

VB Example

' main form initialization routines


sx_SetDateFormat ANSI

sx_SetCentury True

sx_SetDeleted True

sx_SetMemoBlockSize 32

See Also
