ApolloTable Methods

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ApolloTable Methods

Namespace: Apollo




Adds Duden collation rule to the sort order.


Adds ETEC collation rule to the sort order

Alias(workArea As Integer)

Retrieves the table alias name assigned to the current work area when the table was opened.  If parameter is passed as zero (0), the alias name of the current work area is returned.


Appends a new blank record to the current database. This method or ApolloTable.Append must be called whenever a new record is to be added to the database.



AppendBlankEx() As String

A blank record added via ApolloTable.AppendBlankEx is automatically locked.

AppendEx() As String

Append a record to the database using the current contents of the record buffer. Use ApolloTable.AppendEx in situations where the user has the ability to cancel an intended record addition. If the record addition is canceled, a record does not have to be deleted from the database, as is the case with ApolloTable.AppendBlank.

AppendFrom(ByVal cpFileName As String, ByVal iSourceType As Integer, ByVal cpScopeExpr As String) As Short

Appends data from a source table to the current table.All fields with matching names and types are appended to the current table. If field length differs, data in the destination table is either truncated or padded with spaces. Deleted records in the source file are not appended to the target table.

fileName : The name of the source database including full path and extension information if desired.The type of the source database must be the same as the type of the current database (i.e., if the current database is SDENTX, the source database must also be SDENTX).

sourceType : One of the RDE types

scopeExpr : An xBase expression defining a filtered subset to be applied to the source database (e.g., "upper(trim(city)) = 'LOS ANGELES'").

If all of the records in the source file are to be appended, pass the parameter as null. In Visual Basic pass it as Nothing.

Returns :  True or False - If the append is successful, true is returned. If the function fails, false is returned. If the source file is empty, true is returned.


BaseDate() As String

Retrieves the date on which the table was last opened for read/write access.

BaseName() As String

Extracts the DOS path and file name attached to the current work area.

BlobToFile(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal cpFilename As String) As Short

Writes a BLOB stored in a memo file directly to a new disk file. If a file of the same name exists, it is overwritten without warning.

BOF() As Boolean

Tests if a skip (Move) has been attempted that would place the record pointer before the first record in the file (BOF - beginning of file).


Close the table (including all associated index files) and release allocated memory. Hot record buffers are flushed to disk before closing.


Closes all open index files attached to the current table.


Writes the contents of the record buffer to the current file position.

CommitLevel(ByVal newLevel As Integer) As Integer

clFull = slowest (always flush buffers and write data to disk)

clNormal = fast (flush SDE but use Windows buffers)

clNone = fastest (use Apollo and Windows buffers

CopyFile(ByVal cpToFileName As String) As Integer

Copy the current data table to another file.

textFileName : The name of the target text file including full path and extension if desired. An existing file with the same name will be overwritten.

fileType : File type

Returns : True or False depending on the outcome of the operation.

CopyFileText(ByVal cpTextFileName As String, ByVal iFileType As Short) As Integer

Copy the current data table to an ASCII text file. The text file may be formatted as either comma delimited or SDF (system data format).

CopyStructure(ByVal cpFilename As String, ByVal cpAlias As String) As Integer

Creates a table that has the same structure as the current table. The new file is created and then closed.

filename : The DOS name of the target file qualified with a complete path and extension.

alias :  The alias name to be assigned to the new file. Every database file opened must be assigned a unique alias name.

Returns : True or False depending upon the outcome of the operation.

CopyStructureExtended(ByVal cpFilename As String) As Integer

Creates a table that holds the record structure of the currently selected file.

Count() As Integer

Extracts the number of records in the table.

CreateExec() As Integer

Creates a table in the work area set up via ApolloTable.CreateNew and according to the field specifications defined with ApolloTable.CreateField.

CreateField(ByVal cpName As String, ByVal cpType As String, ByVal iLength As Short, ByVal iDecimals As Short)

Defines a field to be included in a new table. A new file is created by first making a work area with ApolloTable.CreateNew (which also defines the number of fields that the table will contain). Each field is then defined with ApolloTable.CreateField, and the file is finally physically created by calling ApolloTable.CreateExec.

name : The name of the field. Valid field names begin with a letter and may contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character. Field name maximum length is ten characters.

type :  Field data type

length : Field length

decimals : The number of decimal positions if the field type is numeric

CreateFrom(ByVal cpFilename As String, ByVal cpAlias As String, ByVal cpStruFile As String, ByVal iRdeType As Short) As Integer



CreateNew(ByVal cpFilename As String, ByVal cpAlias As String, ByVal iRdeType As Short, ByVal iNumFields As Short) As Short


CreateNewEx(ByVal cpFilename As String, ByVal cpAlias As String, ByVal iRdeType As Short, ByVal iNumFields As Short, ByVal uiMode As Int64) As Short


DbfDecrypt() As Integer


DbfEncrypt() As Integer


DBFilter() As String


DBRlockList(ByVal vpVar() As Long)


Decrypt(ByVal cpBuffer As String, ByVal cpPassword As String, ByVal iBuffLen As Integer) As String




Deleted() As Integer


Descend(ByVal cpKeyString As String) As String


Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose


Empty(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As Short


Encrypt(ByVal cpBuffer As String, ByVal cpPassword As String, ByVal iBuffLen As Integer) As String


EOF() As Boolean


ErrorLevel(ByVal iErrorLevel As Short) As Short


ErrorTest() As Integer


EvalLogical(ByVal cpExpression As String) As Integer


EvalNumeric(ByVal cpExpression As String) As Double


EvalString(ByVal cpExpression As String) As String


EvalTest(ByVal cpExpression As String) As Short


ExtractFileName(ByVal s As String) As String


ExtractFilePath(ByVal s As String) As String


ExtractFileTitle(ByVal s As String) As String


FieldCount() As Short


FieldDecimals(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As Short


FieldName(ByVal uiFieldNum As Short) As String


FieldNum(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As Short


FieldOffset(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As Short


FieldType(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As String


FieldWidth(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As Short


FilterAlias(ByVal cpAliasName As String, ByVal cpFieldName As String) As Integer


FilterDlg(ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal cpExpr As String, ByVal cpCaption As String, ByVal iHasIndexList As Short) As String


Flock() As Integer


Found() As Integer


GetBitMap(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal hwnd As Integer) As Integer


GetBlob(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal vpVar As String) As Integer


GetBlobLength(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As Integer


GetByte(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As String


GetDateFormat() As Integer


GetDateJulian(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As Integer


GetDateString(ByVal cpFieldName As String) As String


GetDouble(ByVal sFieldName As String) As Double


GetInteger(ByVal sFieldName As String) As Integer


GetLogical(ByVal sFieldName As String) As Boolean


GetLong(ByVal sFieldName As String) As Long


GetMemo(ByVal cpFieldName As String, Optional ByVal LineWidth As Short = 0) As String


GetQueryBit(ByVal lRecNum As Integer) As Integer


GetRecord(ByRef cpRecord As String)


GetScope(ByVal iWhichScope As Short) As String

Gets the original value of a scoping string passed to ApolloTable.SetScope().

GetString(ByVal sFieldName As String) As String


GetSystemCharOrder() As String


GetSystemLocale() As String


GetTrimString(ByVal sFieldName As String) As String


GetUDFPath(ByVal cpUDFPath As String, ByVal lMaxBufLen As Integer)


Go(ByVal lRecNum As Integer)






Index(ByVal sFileName As String, ByVal sExpr As String, ByVal iOption As Short, ByVal bDescend As Boolean, ByVal sCondition As String) As Short




IndexCondition() As String


IndexFlip() As Integer


IndexKey() As String


IndexKeyField() As String


IndexName(ByVal iIndex As Short) As String


IndexOpen(ByVal cpFilename As String) As Short


IndexOrd() As Short


IndexTag(ByVal cpFilename As String, ByVal cpTagName As String, ByVal cpExpr As String, ByVal iOption As Short, ByVal bDescend As Integer, ByVal cpCondition As String) As Short


IndexType() As Short


IsEncrypted(ByVal iFileOrRec As Short) As Integer


IsNull(ByVal sFieldName As String) As Boolean


KeyAdd(ByVal cpTagName As String) As Integer


KeyData() As String


KeyDrop(ByVal cpTagName As String) As Integer


KeyLength() As Integer


Locate(ByVal cpExpression As String, ByVal iDirection As Short, ByVal bContinue As Integer) As Integer


LockCount() As Short


Locked(ByVal lRecNum As Integer) As Integer


MemAlloc(ByVal lNumberofBytes As Integer) As Buffer


MemDealloc(ByVal vpPtr As Buffer)


MemRealloc(ByVal vpPtr As Buffer, ByVal lSize As Integer) As Buffer




Open() As Integer


OrderPosGet() As Double


OrderPosSet(ByVal dPosition As Double)


OrderRecNo() As Integer


OrdSetFocus(ByVal cTagName As String) As Short




PutBlob(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByRef vpData As Byte, ByVal lSize As Integer) As Integer


PutDate(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal dVal As Date)


PutDateString(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal sVal As String)


PutDouble(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal dVal As Double)


PutInteger(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal iVal As Integer)


PutLogical(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal bVal As Boolean)


PutLong(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal iVal As Integer)


PutMemo(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal sVal As String)


PutRecord(ByVal cpRecord As Buffer)


PutString(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal sVal As String)


Query(ByVal sExpression As String) As Integer


QueryRecCount() As Integer


QueryTest(ByVal cpExpression As String) As Short




RecCount() As Integer




Replace(ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal iDataType As Short, ByRef vpData As Byte)


Rlock(ByVal lRecNum As Integer) As Integer


RYOFilterActivate(ByVal iFilterHandle As Short, ByVal iBoolOperation As Short) As Integer


RYOFilterCopy() As Short


RYOFilterCreate() As Short


RYOFilterDestroy(ByVal iFilterHandle As Short) As Integer


RYOFilterGetBit(ByVal iFilterHandle As Short, ByVal lRecNo As Integer) As Integer


RYOFilterRestore(ByVal cpFilename As String) As Integer


RYOFilterSave(ByVal iFilterHandle As Short, ByVal cpFilename As String) As Integer


RYOFilterSetBit(ByVal iFilterHandle As Short, ByVal lRecNo As Integer, ByVal iOnOrOff As Short) As Integer


RYOKeyAdd(ByVal cpTagName As String, ByVal cpKey As String) As Integer


RYOKeyDrop(ByVal cpTagName As String) As Integer


Seek(ByVal cpKeyValue As String) As Boolean

Searches the current order for a supplied key. Like a Find() call.

keyValue : The value to search for. If the key is numeric, transform it to a string before passing it to ApolloTable.Seek(). The string will be transformed back to a number before performing the seek. Dates must be passed as strings in DTOS form (CCYYMMDD). Pass search keys to logical indexes as "T" or "F".

Returns : True if the key was found and False if not. If the return is False, ApolloTable.Found() will be False and ApolloTable.Eof() will be True.

SeekBin(ByVal cpKeyValue As String, ByVal iLength As Short) As Boolean

Searches the current order for a supplied key. The key may contain binary zeroes.

keyValue : The binary value to search for. The search key value may be a partial key (if ApolloTable.SetExact() is not True).

length : The length of the search key.

Returns : True if the key was found and False if not. If the return is False, ApolloTable.Found() will be False and ApolloTable.Eof() will be True.

SelectWA(ByVal iBaseArea As Short)


SetCentury(ByVal iValue As Boolean)


SetCollationRule(ByVal lRuleType As Short, ByVal cpSrcSymbSet As String, ByVal cpDstSymbSet As String, ByVal bResetPrev As Short, ByVal bOem As Short, ByVal lReserved As Short) As Short


SetDateFormat(ByVal uiDateType As Short)


SetDeleted(ByVal uiDeleted As Boolean)


SetEpoch(ByVal iBaseYear As Short) As Short

Determines the interpretation of date strings with only two year digits. When such a string is converted to a date value, its year digits are compared with the year digits of baseYear. If the year digits in the date are greater than or equal to the year digits of baseYear, the date is assumed to fall within the same century as baseYear. Otherwise, the date is assumed to fall in the following century.

SetErrorHook(ByVal uiErrorHook As Short)


SetExact(ByVal uiOnOff As Boolean)


SetFilter(ByVal cpExpression As String)


SetGaugeHook(ByVal hwndGauge As Integer)


SetHandles(ByVal iNumHandles As Short) As Short


SetLockTimeout(ByVal iSeconds As Short)


SetMemoBlockSize(ByVal iBlockSize As Short) As Short


SetOrder(ByVal iIndex As Short) As Short


SetPassword(ByVal cpEncodeKey As String)


SetQueryBit(ByVal lRecNum As Integer, ByVal bValue As Integer)


SetRelation(ByVal uiChildArea As Short, ByVal cpKeyExpr As String)


SetScope(ByVal cpLowVal As String, ByVal cpHighVal As String) As Integer

Sets formal scope. The scope value is matched against the leftmost characters of the CURRENT index expression.

lowVal : The low scope value. The first record with this key (or the immediately greater if this key does not exist) will become logical top of file.

highVal : The high scope value. If there is no high value, pass this parameter as a NULL string.

Returns : True if scope set successfully and False if not.

SetSoftSeek(ByVal uiOnOff As Short)

Indicates whether or not index seeks that result in failure (i.e., the requested key value does not match any key in the index order either partially or exactly) should result in a successful conclusion if a key is found that is immediately greater than the requested key.

SetStringType(ByVal uiStringType As Short)


SetTranslate(ByVal uiOnOff As Short)


SetTurboRead(ByVal uiOnOff As Short)


Skip(Optional ByVal iNumOfRecs As Integer = 1)


SysProp(ByVal uiOnOff As Short, ByVal vpData As Buffer) As Integer


TagArea(ByVal cpTagName As String) As Short


TagName(ByVal iIndex As Short) As String


Unlock(ByVal lRecNum As Integer)


Version() As String


vs_PutVariant (ByVal cpFieldName As String, ByVal lpVariant As Object)

