SQLTable Properties

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SQLTable Properties




AccessMethod() As TAccessMethod

Setting for local or client/server.

amLocal for local or peer-to-peer data access

amServer for connecting to an Apollo Server (client/server)

ApolloConnection() As TApolloConnection

Reference to object that manages which data engine the Apollo client will connect to. See TApolloConnection

BOF() (ReadOnly)

True if positioned at the beginning of the file.

DatabaseName() As String

Database or Alias name

EOF() (ReadOnly)

True if positioned at the end of the file.

FieldCount() (ReadOnly)

Number of fields

FieldName(ByVal iVal As Integer) (ReadOnly)

Name of the nth field

FieldType(ByVal iVal As Integer) (ReadOnly)

Data type of the nth field

FieldWidth(ByVal iVal As Integer) (ReadOnly)

Size or width of the nth field

RecordCount() (ReadOnly)

Number of records returned in the result set.

RecordNo() (ReadOnly)

Current record #

RecordSize() (ReadOnly)

Size of the record


The SQL statement to run. Can be any valid SQL statement