Data Management

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Data Management

Once the Apollo OLEDB Provider is created and the Recordset uses it, all data management is defined by the RecordSet object. See the VB documentation for more details.



Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim prov_local As String

Dim recs As New ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()


prov_local = "Provider=ApolloOLEDB7.ApolloOLEDB7;" & _

   "Data Source = c:\Apollo\9.9\Data\; " & _

   "FetchCount=50;" & _

   "AccessMethod=amLocal;" & _

   "SetTables=MailTo.dbf, MailTo, ttSXFOX, '', FALSE, '' |" & _

   "Security.dbf, Security, ttSXFOX,  '', FALSE, '' "


conn.Open prov_local


' adCmdText is used for SQL access

' adCmdTableDirect is used for direct table access


recs.Open "Security", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = recs


End Sub



Connection string for SQL:



Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim prov_local As String

Dim recs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim sSQL As String

Private Sub Form_Load()


prov_local = "Provider=ApolloOLEDB9.ApolloOLEDB9;" & _

   "Data Source = c:\Apollo\9.9\Data\; " & _

   "FetchCount=50;" & _

   "AccessMethod=amLocal;" & _

   "SetTables=MailTo.dbf, MailTo, ttSXFOX, '', FALSE |" & _

   "Security.dbf, Security, ttSXFOX,  '', FALSE, '' "


conn.Open prov_local


' adCmdText is used for SQL access

' adCmdTableDirect is used for direct table access


sSQL = "Select UserName, Password, Limited " & _

 "From Security Where UserName Like 'A%'"


recs.Open sSQL, conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = recs


End Sub