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property AccessMethod: TAccessMethod;


TAccessMethod = (amLocal, amServer);


image\tip.gif The TAccessMethod type is defined in the ApCommon unit. Therefore, this unit must be included in the uses line of any unit containing code that makes direct references to a TAccessMethod value.


Indicates if the table is to be opened locally (amLocal) or through the server (amServer). When set to amLocal, the DatabaseName property is used to identify the local path or alias where the table is located. When set to amServer, the DatabaseName property identifies the database alias on the remote Apollo Database Server that the ApolloConnection property is connected to.


The default AccessMethod setting for TApolloTable is amLocal.

Delphi Example

// If CheckBox is Checked, open local copy of file

if cbIsLocal.Checked then

 ApTbl.AccessMethod := amLocal


 ApTbl.AccessMethod := amServer;

C++Builder Example

// If CheckBox is Checked, open local copy of file

if (cbIsLocal->Checked)

 ApTbl->AccessMethod = amLocal


 ApTbl->AccessMethod = amServer;

See Also

ApolloConnection, TApolloConnection