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procedure ApolloGetRecord( cpRecord: PChar );


Fills a defined and initialized buffer or record structure with the contents of the current record buffer.

image\tip.gif To avoid a naming conflict with TDataSet.GetRecord, the old TApollo.GetRecord method has been renamed to ApolloGetRecord in this release.


cpRecord: A pointer to a defined record structure (typedef) or a pre-dimensioned array of Char types. The record structure must include a delete flag field (1 character) as the first field. If using an array of Char types, ensure that enough space has been allocated for the entire record including the hidden deletion flag field.

DBF xBase data is stored in character format. Numeric fields are saved as right justified numbers. Date fields are stored as CCYYMMDD. Memo fields are ten digit numbers that refer to the relative block number of the memo in the .DBT/FPT/SMT file. The first character in the record is a delete flag ('*' if deleted, blank if not).

Data Typing Note

All elements within a defined record type must be fixed length character strings. The extracted field elements will not be terminated with binary zeroes. Numeric fields must be converted from character to the required numeric type. Dates are stored as 'CCYYMMDD'.

Encrypted Records

If the record has been encrypted, the deletion flag in the first byte of the record will be 'D' for deleted records, and 'E' for normal non-deleted records. The record data will not be in encrypted if the correct password has been set.

Field Offsets

To retrieve field data from a record that has been read into a string, use FieldOffset to set the start position of the field in the string.

Delphi Example

procedure Form1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


 caString: Array[0..255] of Char; 


 with ApTbl do 



         while not Eof do 


                 ApolloGetRecord( caString );

                 // If record is not deleted, copy it 

                 if StrLComp( caString, '*', 1 ) <> 0 then 



                         ApDS2.Post; // Must write out empty record first

                         ApDS2.PutRecord( caString ); 


                 Skip( 1 ); 




See Also

FieldOffset, PutRecord