BDE Differences

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BDE Differences

After installing the Apollo components, you can develop in Delphi just as you would using the BDE, with a few differences:


Under the BDE, the TTable component's TableType property gives you a dropdown list containing five options: ttDefault, ttASCII, ttDbase, ttFoxPro, and ttParadox. TApolloTable and TApolloQuery each contain three different options: ttSXFOX, ttSXNSX, ttSXNSX_DBT and ttSXNTX. These support FoxPro, HiPer-Six, HiPer-SIx with Clipper DBT memo files and native Clipper table/index types respectively.

If an Apollo table is ACTIVE and opened in EXCLUSIVE mode during design-time, running the application from within Delphi's IDE will result in an 1800 error. This is because Delphi's IDE has the file opened already, and now your application is also attempting to open the same file in EXCLUSIVE mode.

To solve this problem during design-time, either set the Exclusive property to False (at least during development), or if you must have the file opened EXCLUSIVE, you'll need to set Active property to False during design-time and set it to True in your application code (i.e., in your main form's OnActivate event).