Converting dBASE and Paradox files into Apollo formats

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Converting dBASE and Paradox files into Apollo formats

The easiest way to convert your existing dBASE or Paradox tables to one of Apollo's formats (FoxPro, Clipper, or HiPer-SIx) would be to use the BDE to export the existing tables to an ASCII file (comma-delimited or space-delimited (SDF) format). The resulting ASCII file can then be imported into a pre-built empty table structure using TApolloTable.AppendFrom.


You can create the destination table structure programmatically using TApolloTable.CreateNew. The CREATOR sample program (located in ..\Samples\..\CREATOR) can also be used. It is


There is no need to convert your existing index files, as they will just be created new using TApolloTable's Index and IndexTag methods.