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function OrderRecNo: LongInt;


Retrieves the logical record number according to the position of the key in the current active order.

image\tip.gif NOTE: This is the slowest method in TApolloTable. The only way there is of determining the logical record number is to actually count the keys in the index.

Return Value

The logical position of the key in the order. You can retrieve the number of records in a conditional index by using QueryRecCount.

Delphi Example

// Display record number and physical index key position

BoxRecNo.Text := IntToStr( ApTbl.RecNo );

BoxKeyno.Text := IntToStr( ApTbl.OrderRecNo );

C++Builder Example

// Display record number and physical index key position

BoxRecNo->Text = IntToStr( ApTbl->RecNo );

BoxKeyno->Text = IntToStr( ApTbl->OrderRecNo() );

See Also

RecNo, OrderPosGet