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procedure SetLockTimeout( const Value: Integer );


Sets the number of seconds allowed to retry a lock operation before failing.


If a lock retry exceeds the LockTimout value, a 6240 Run-Time Error (Lock Retry Timeout) will occur. For information on catching and eliminating this error, CLICK HERE.


The lock operation will be continuously retried for this number of seconds before reporting failure. The default value is 1 second.


If this is set to 0, a failed lock will return False immediately.

Delphi Example

// Initialize Apollo Environment

ApolloEnv1.SetCentury(True); // dates to display century

ApolloEnv1.SetDateFormat(dfAmerican); // date format MM/DD/CCYY

ApolloEnv1.SetDeleted(True); // filter deleted records

ApolloEnv1.SetLockTimeout(5); // set lock time out value

See Also

LockTimeout, Flock, Locked, RLock, Unlock