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property SQL: TStrings;


The SQL expression to be sent to the server. Call the Open method or set the Active property true to execute SQL statements that return a result set (ex: SELECT). For operations that do not return a result set (ex: CREATE TABLE, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE), call ExecSQL to execute the expression.

Delphi Example

ApolloQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT First, Last, Age FROM Test WHERE (Age > 50)';

ApolloQuery1.Active := True;

C++Builder Example

ApolloQuery1->SQL->Text = "SELECT First, Last, Age FROM Test WHERE (Age > 50)";

ApolloQuery1->Active = TRUE;

See Also

ActiveTApolloQuery_Active, OpenOpen, ParamsParams, ExecSQLExecSQL, Apollo SQL Overview!JumpID(`APOLLOSQL.HLP',`ApolloSQL_Overview')