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PropertiesTApolloTable_Properties MethodsTApolloTable_Methods


The TApolloTable component provides access to extended features not supported by Delphi's TTable component. These include data encryption, special high-performance indexing features, setting xBase filters, scoping, slient/server properties, collation and more.


Select the type of table to be used from the TableType property when using TApolloTable. Apollo gives you four choices for table access: (See: TApolloTableType) ttSXFOX, ttSXNSX, ttSXNTX, ttSXNSX_DBT. These provide FoxPro, HiPer-SIx, Clipper, and legacy Clipper/NSX file support respectively.


A TApolloTable component connects to a TDataSource component through the DataSource property. So, a typical application using Apollo will include at least one TApolloTable and one TDataSource component.

See Also

TApolloTable Methods By Category, TApolloConnection, TApolloQuery, TApolloServerDLL, TApolloEnv, TApolloDatabase