Run Time Errors

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Run Time Errors

The following are run time error messages that are sent to the user via a message box.

Error Messages

200 Duplicate ALIAS

A duplicate alias is trying to be created. The operation cannot proceed.

400 APPEND FROM field type mismatch between files

Two fields with the same name in the source and target files are not the same type. The operation cannot proceed.

500 APPEND FROM no matching fields in source file

There are no matching field names between the source and the target file.

600 Data store creation error

An error has occurred while attempting to create the new table.

700 DBF table format error

Cannot open the defined table as a DBF.

750 DBF must be opened for EXCLUSIVE use

If using a compound index driver (CDX/NSX), sx_IndexTag, sx_Pack, and sx_Reindex all require that the .DBF be opened for exclusive use.

775 Dialog in use

Only one instance of sx_FilterDlg is allowed.

800 INDEX RDE index format error

sx_IndexOpen does not recognize the index format.

900 MEMO RDE memo format error

Selected RDE does not recognize the memo format. The SDENTX RDE supports DBT memos, the SDEFOX RDE supports FPT memos, and the SDENSX RDE supports SMT memos.

1000 Field addition attempt to existing table

sx_CreateField has been called while the current work area is pointing to a valid table.

1100 Field extent exceeded

sx_CreateField has been called more times for the new table than the number of fields defined by sx_CreateNew.

1200 Field extent not defined

The new table defined by sx_CreateNew must have at least one field specified.

1300 Field name characters invalid

A field name must begin with a letter and may contain letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) character. Maximum length of a field name is 10 characters.

1400 Field name duplicated

sx_CreateField has already processed a field with the defined name. Duplicate field names are not allowed.

1500 Field not found

A function requiring a valid field name cannot find the passed name in the field definition array attached to the current work area.

1600 File creation error

The physical creation of the file on disk has failed. Out of disk space? File sharing error?

1700 File or record lock error

An error has occurred while attempting to lock the file or record.

1800 File open error

The file cannot be opened. Is the name correct? Has a sharing violation occurred?

1900 File open mode invalid

Use the defined constants to specify file open mode.

2000 File opened for read only

A write operation has been attempted on a file opened in READONLY mode.

2100 File read error

A physical read error has occurred.

2200 File seek error

A physical seek error has occurred.

2300 File seek error (zero length)

A seek error has occurred because DOS reports the file as having a length of zero bytes.

2400 File unlock error

An error has occurred while attempting to unlock the file.

2500 File write error

A physical write error has occurred. Out of disk space? Sharing violation?

2600 File write error (invalid record number)

An attempt has been made to write to a record location in the table that does not exist.

2700 Invalid child work area

An attempt has been made to define a relationship to a child file whose work area is invalid.

2800 Invalid data type specified during replacement

Use defined constants to specify data type to sx_Replace.

2900 Invalid date

Dates must be formatted according to the mask specified by sx_SetDateFormat.

2950 Invalid DOS file handle detected in lock attempt.

A file may have been deleted without formally issuing a close instruction.

2980 Invalid memo block size

FPT/SMT memo block sizes must be a value between 1 and 1024.

3000 Invalid record length for WINDOWS

Maximum record length under Windows is the maximum number allowed in a signed integer (32,767).

3100 Invalid record number

The function requiring a record number has encountered a number greater than the number of records in the file.

3200 Invalid work area

The referenced work area is not attached to an open table.

3300 sx_Locate expression not defined

An attempt has been made to continue an sx_Locate operation without ever starting it.

3400 Maximum files exceeded (MAX 250) in current task

An attempt has been made to open more than 250 data files in the current task.

3500 Maximum tasks exceeded (24)

No more than 24 concurrent SDE tasks may be open at a single workstation.

3600 Memo field reference required

The defined memo field cannot be found.

3700 Memo maximum length (65534) exceeded

Textual memo strings cannot exceed 65,534 characters.

3800 Memo memory allocation error

An error has occurred while attempting to allocate memory to hold a memo.

3900 Memo write error

A physical write error has occurred while attempting to save a memo. Out of disk space? Sharing violation?

4100 Memory allocation error (WINDOWS)

An internal memory allocation via a Windows API call intended to supply working memory has failed.

4300 Order close error

The index file close routine has failed.

4400 Order file read error

A physical disk read error has occurred while attempting to read the index file.

4500 Order head read error

A physical disk read error has occurred while attempting to read the index header.

4600 Order key block size error

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair.

4650 Order key delete failure.

When an index key is inserted, the old key must be deleted first. This function has failed. The most likely cause of the failure is a lock conflict.

4700 Order key does not match expression

The index key expression results in a key length or type that differs from the keys actually residing in the index.

4750 Order key insert failure. See 4650 above.

4800 Order key length maximum exceeded

SDENTX key length maximum is 338 characters. SDEFOX and SDENSX key length maximum is 240 characters.

4900 Order key pointer invalid

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair.

5000 Order key skip error

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair.

5050 Order key zero length.

A key expression that has a null value has been passed to one of the internal index functions.

5100 Order keys block read error

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair.

5200 Order keys in block exceeded

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair.

5300 Order positioning error (bottom)

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair.

5400 Order positioning error (top)

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair. This error may also be generated if an index lock error occurs.

5500 Order read error during key insertion

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair.

5600 Order root block seek error

The index has been physically corrupted. Use sx_Reindex, sx_Index, or sx_IndexTag to repair.

5700 Order select area invalid

Valid order select areas are returned from sx_IndexOpen when the index is opened or from sx_Index when the index is created. The index area belonging to a tag in a compound index may be extracted with sx_TagArea. A function requiring an index area is reporting that the area does not exist.

5800 Order sort out of memory

Not enough memory to complete the index build operation. Try a shorter key value.

5900 RDE DLL load error

An error has occurred while attempting to load the RDE defined in sx_Use.

6000 RDE DLL not found

The RDE specified in sx_Use cannot be found. It must be in your path and is usually loaded in the \Windows\System32 or \WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory if Apollo was installed using the setup program found on the distribution disk.

6100 RDE type invalid

Use defined constants to specify the RDE type.

6200 RDE type mismatch

An attempt has been made to perform an operation on two tables that requires tables of the same type.

6215 Scope low value must be less than or equal to high value.

Self explanatory.

6240 Lock Retry Timeout

An attempt to lock a record or file has exceeded the current retry timeout setting. This is not an error message, and is simply a informational warning message. (See sx_SetLockTimeout.)

6250 Write failure. Record locked

An attempt has been made to write to a record that is locked by another user.

6300 xBase expression alias name not found

An invalid alias name has been used to qualify a field name in an xBase expression.

6400 xBase expression contains unsupported function

Not all xBase functions supported by the various dialects are supported by the expression parser. Either the requested function has been misspelled or it is not supported. (See xBase Functions Supported.)

6500 xBase expression error: length

The length of the result of an xBase expression compilation exceeds the internal size allocated (2048 bytes).

6600 xBase expression error: number of parameters

An xBase function has been passed an incorrect number of parameters. Check the expression syntax. (See xBase Functions Supported.)

6700 xBase expression error: type

Mixed types are not supported. For example, both True and False results contained in an IF() expression must be of the same type.

6800 xBase expression evaluation error

Generic error. Something has gone wrong during the evaluation of the expression. The index or query expression was either typed incorrectly, or contains a reference to an unsupported xBase function. (See xBase Functions Supported.)

6900 xBase expression incomplete

Syntax error. For example, a logical operator does not have expressions on both sides.

7000 xBase expression maximum parameters exceeded

Too many parameters have been passed as input to an xBase function.

7100 xBase expression number of delimiters invalid

Mismatched parentheses or quotation marks within the expression.

7200 xBase expression operator invalid

An unknown operator has been detected in the expression.

7300 xBase expression parameter invalid (date)

The passed date string is invalid.

7400 xBase expression parameter invalid

The parser could not identify one of the elements in the xBase expression. (See xBase Functions Supported.)

7500 xBase expression parentheses mismatched

See error 7100.

7600 xBase expression string delimiter missing

See error 7100.

7700 xBase expression type mismatch within function params

See error 6700.

7800 xBase expression type must evaluate as LOGICAL

A function requiring an xBase expression that will return a True or False result has been passed a function that returns a result of some other type (e.g., sx_SetFilter, sx_Locate).