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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_CreateNew Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal cpFileName As String,

ByVal cpAlias As String,

ByVal iRdeType As Integer,

ByVal iNumFields As Integer)

As Integer

C Declaration


(BYTEP cpFileName,

BYTEP cpAlias,

SHORT iRdeType,

SHORT iNumFields);


Initializes a new work area. This is the first step in creating a new table. The second step is to define each field with iNumFields calls to sx_CreateField. The final step is sx_CreateExec, which physically creates the new table.


cpFileName: The DOS name of the new file qualified with a complete path and extension.

cpAlias: The alias name to be assigned to the new file. Every database file opened must be assigned a unique alias name.

iRdeType: Use defined constants:


 SDENTX 1 CA-Clipper compatible DBF-NTX driver

 SDEFOX 2 FoxPro compatible DBF-IDX/CDX driver

 SDENSX 3 Vista DBF-NSX driver


iNumFields: The maximum number of fields to be added to the file structure via calls to sx_CreateField.

Return Value

The work area number assigned to the database. This number should be retained in a global variable to allow for later selection via sx_Select. The alias name assigned is associated with this work area number.


VB Example

Sub ButtonMake_Click ()

iRet = sx_CreateNew("c:\test\testnew.dbf", "test", SDEFOX, 5)

If iRet = 0 Then

MsgBox "create failed"


sx_CreateField "fchar", "C", 25, 0

sx_CreateField "fnum", "N", 10, 2

sx_CreateField "flog", "L", 1, 0

sx_CreateField "fdate", "D", 8, 0

sx_CreateField "fmemo", "M", 10, 0

If sx_CreateExec() Then

MsgBox "Create succeeded"



MsgBox "create failed"

End If

End If

End Sub

C Example

void CNamesForm::OnInitialUpdate()


// do default func first



// enable float support for VBXs


// check if database exists

// and, if not, create  

CFileStatus status;

char* pFileName = "names.dbf";


// if CFile status FALSE, create new file

if (!CFile::GetStatus(pFileName, status))


sx_CreateNew((BYTEP) "names.dbf", (BYTEP) "name", SDENTX, 5);

sx_CreateField((BYTEP) "name", (BYTEP) "C", 30, 0);

sx_CreateField((BYTEP) "address", (BYTEP) "C", 30, 0);

sx_CreateField((BYTEP) "phone", (BYTEP) "C", 10, 0);

sx_CreateField((BYTEP) "business", (BYTEP) "C", 20, 0);

sx_CreateField((BYTEP) "createdate", (BYTEP) "D", 8, 0);





See Also

sx_Alias, sx_CreateExec, sx_CreateField, sx_SetMemoBlockSize, sx_WorkArea