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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_CopyFileText Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal cpTextFileName As String

ByVal iFileType As Integer)

As Integer

C Declaration


(BYTEP cpTextFileName,  

SHORT iFileType);


Copy the current data table to an ASCII text file. The text file may be formatted as either comma delimited or SDF (system data format).

In a comma delimited file, each table field is separated from the next with a comma, and all character fields have trailing spaces removed and are surrounded with quotes ("). Each text record is terminated with carriage return and line feed byte pair (CR-LF). The records are of variable length.

SDF text files contain images of each table record. Each record is a fixed length (the table record length - 1 for the deletion flag byte and plus 2 for the CR-LF pair). There are no delimiters between fields.


Memo field references are blank in the text output file.

If a file with the same name exists, it is overwritten.

The progress of the function may be visually monitored if a gauge hook has been set via sx_SetGaugeHook.


cpTextFileName: The name of the target text file including full path and extension if desired. An existing file with the same name will be overwritten.

iFileType: Use one of the following manifest constants:


COMMA_DELIM 21 Comma-Delimited Text File

SDF_FILE 22 Space-Delimited (SDF) Text File

Return Value

True or False depending on the outcome of the operation.

VB Example

' build a comma-delimted text subset of a master database

If Dir$("c:\vb\cust.dbf") = "" Then

MsgBox "No File"


End If


CustArea = sx_Use("\data\cust.dbf", "cust", READWRITE, SDEFOX)

sx_SetFilter "upper(trim(place))='CHINA' .and. left(last, 1)>' '"


iRet = sx_CopyFileText( "c:\data\customers.txt", COMMA_DELIM )



C Example

// build a comma-delimted text subset of a master database

SHORT iCustArea, iRet;


iCustArea = sx_Use("\\data\\cust.dbf", "cust", READWRITE, SDEFOX);

sx_SetFilter("upper(trim(place))='CHINA' .and. left(last, 1)>' '");


iRet = sx_CopyFileText( "c:\\data\\customers.txt", COMMA_DELIM );


See Also

sx_CopyFile, sx_AppendFrom