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Declare Function sx_CopyStructure Lib "Apollo9.dll"
(ByVal cpFileName As String,
ByVal cpAlias As String)
As Integer
BOOL FAR PASCAL sx_CopyStructure
(BYTEP cpFileName,
BYTEP cpAlias);
Creates a table that has the same structure as the current table. The new file is created and then closed.
cpFileName: The DOS name of the target file qualified with a complete path and extension.
cpAlias: The alias name to be assigned to the new file. Every database file opened must be assigned a unique alias name.
True or False depending upon the outcome of the operation.
' make a batch file in the image of the master
MArea = sx_Use("\vb\trans.dbf", "trans", READWRITE, SDENTX)
If sx_CopyStructure("c:\vb\batch.dbf", "batch") Then
BatchArea = sx_Use("\vb\batch.dbf", "batch", READWRITE, SDENTX)
Call CaptureTransactions
If sx_RecCount() > 0 Then
MArea = sx_Use("\vb\trans.dbf", "trans", READWRITE, SDENTX)
If sx_AppendFrom("c:\vb\test\batch.dbf", SDENTX, 0&) Then
MsgBox "appended transactions successfully"
MsgBox "appendfrom failed"
End If
MsgBox "Copy structure failed"
End If
void CNamesForm::OnButtonOpenBatch()
sx_Use("c:\\work\\trans.dbf", "trans", READONLY, SDENTX);
if (sx_CopyStructure("c:\\work\\batch.dbf", "batch"))
sx_Use("c:\\work\\batch.dbf", "batch", READWRITE, SDENTX);
if (sx_RecCount() > 0)
sx_Use("c:\\work\\trans.dbf", "trans", READWRITE, SDENTX);
if (sx_AppendFrom("c:\\work\\batch.dbf", SDENTX, NULL))
AfxMessageBox((LPCSTR) "Batch append succeeded.");
AfxMessageBox((LPCSTR) "Batch append failed.");
AfxMessageBox((LPCSTR) "Copy structure failed.");
sx_CopyStructureExtended, sx_AppendFrom, sx_CopyFile, sx_CreateExec, sx_CreateField, sx_CreateNew