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DatabaseName: String


The physical drive and path of a local table, or the database name alias for a local or remote table. When an alias is used on a local table, it would be defined through the TApolloDatabase component. Database aliases for remote tables are defined using the Apollo Server Manager application and reference a physical drive and path on the remote server. The AccessMethod property determines if the database name alises are retrieved from a local TApolloDatabase or the remote server.

Delphi Example

// Assigns a local table path

ApolloTable1.AccessMethod := amLocal;

ApolloTable1.DataBaseName := 'c:\Apollo\Data;


// Assigns a local table alias, defined in TApolloDatabase

ApolloDatabase1.DataPath := 'c:\Apollo\Data;

ApolloDatabase1.DataPathAlias := 'MYDATA';

ApolloTable1.AccessMethod := amLocal;

ApolloTable1.DataBaseName := 'MYDATA';


// Assigns a remote table alias, defined via Apollo Server Manager

ApolloTable1.AccessMethod := amServer;

ApolloTable1.DataBaseName := 'MYDATA';

See Also
